Monday, December 10, 2007

It's That Time of Year Again!

Merry Christmas!

I absolutely LOVE this time of year! All the beautiful lights, the all so familiar tunes, the yummy hot chocolate from the beloved Cocomotion, spending time with loved ones, the list could go on and on!
Sometimes with all the bills and the last minute shopping, it can become easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas! As I challenge myself, I also challenge all those who read this to look into thier hearts and take a moment during this crazy, busy time of year to remember what this season is all about! Hopefully, it will help me to be a little more Christ-like when people cut me off in the snow or when the person in front of me OBVIOUSLY has 20+ items in the lane at Walmart that clearly reads: 10 Items or Less.

Wish me luck!
(I was going to post somet pictures of our Christmas decorations but the website won't let me :( More to come later!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Seeing how Thanksgiving week is the slowest week for our restaurant, Adam and I took advantage of our morning off today and took our sweet Lole to the park for the afternoon!
My dear husband educated me on the nature of ducks, which I very soon realized was true after watching them for a few minutes. He was telling me about how ducks have a natural instinct to follow.
Well, it was the sweetest thing because as Lole would walk up and down the side of the river, these ducks would keep turning back and forth to follow her! It was the cutest thing!
Anyway, as I am counting my blessings this week, I am so grateful for the beautiful weather! Today was supposedly the last nice day of the year and it was so beautiful! Who would think that we would be playing at the park in our short sleeved shirts on November 20th in Utah?! Crazy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2 Years!!

Exactly 2 years ago today, I was approached by the most handsome man while I was eating at Famous Dave's BBQ... who'da thought that we would be where we are today! What a wonderful day! Happy Anniversary to us!! :)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Time flies!

I can't believe how much our little Lole has grown! This week at the vet, she weighed in at 13 pounds 6 ounces! She is almost two times the size she was when we got her! All the ladies at the vet loved her 'red stiletto' nails and she is learning so many tricks! As of this past week, she can officially lay down on command! It is the sweetest thing because she just plops her front paws down because she is so excited! She is such a joy to play with AND a great snuggler! :)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

1 year!!

Wow! Adam and I got engaged exactly one year ago today! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday - and at the same time it feels like 5 years ago! Crazy!
(This picture is from the week we got engaged!!)

Monday, July 2, 2007

Life in Minnesota

So we have been here in Plymouth, MN for a couple weeks so far and we are really enjoying it! The weather is MUCH cooler than Vegas and there are so many fun things to do! So far, we have picked our own strawberries, we went to the farmers market and bought lots of yummy produce for cheap, we went to the Taste of MN (which is always an adventure) and saw the Village People, we watched the Saint Paul Saints obtain their 10th win in a row (the twins semi-pro baseball team), and we have been enjoying life with our puppy! I start work today, so hopefully we still have time to do all those fun things throughout the summer!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Feeling Famous

Now that our new adventure in Plymouth, Minnesota has begun, I am excited that I have found the job I have been wanting! You can call me "Famous Mary Rose," because I am now a part of the Famous Dave's team! I am way excited! With all the history Adam and I have there - I think it is the perfect place for me to work! Anyway, I am excited to be working again at a fun job!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Woo Woo

Adam is officially the BIG 26!! (As of yesterday!)
It is late... so more updates on our exciting day tomorrow!

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Ok... So I met 5 of Adam's half brothers last night! Talk about wierd! Some of them don't look hardly anything like Adam, but a couple of them look a lot like him and have a lot of the same mannarisms! And the freakiest thing is that they all kept telling me that the one most like him wasn't even there! "Oh, you just wait until you meet Phillip!"

AND to make the night even more exciting... I met a real life polygamist! I met the first wife! CRAZY!! She was quite odd, and I didn't realize until after we left that she still lives on the ranch! I think if I did know I would have watched what I said a little bit more, but she didn't seem bothered by any of it, so I think it was ok!

I was going to take a picture for all of you, but the one that looked most like Adam left eariest and I didn't get the picture taken in time. Next time I meet them though... There WILL be pictures taken!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Its been a while!

Hello there! I don't know if anyone has even looked to see if we have posted anything since we have been in Vegas, but if you have... Sorry for being neglectful! Life here has been pretty crazy lately and I can never seem to get any pictures to upload!

It is so HOT here, but we absolutely love it! Once it gets over 100 degrees, its all the same anyway, right? The heat gives Adam motivation to get inside people's houses, which is always good!

Well better get back to work! I'll post pictures soon!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Comonplace Book

On the last day of my English class this semester my teacher told us about the neatest thing! It is called a commonplace book. We had been talking about keeping different kinds of journals and she educated us about this book.

As it turns out, sometime in history, men used to carry around these little black books in their pockets. They were called commonplace books. Whenever they were in the 'commonplace' and they heard something notable of interest (a quote, joke, anecdote, etc...) they would write it down in their little black book.

Now this idea fascinates me! There are so many things I hear everyday in the 'commonplace' that are notable and I think to myself, "Wow! I really like that, I want to remember that ___!" But I can never seem to remember! So today I have decided that I am going to go to Barnes and Noble and buy myself my own commonplace book to keep in my purse! Or course it will probably be pink or something else girly, but it is the same idea!

A Domestic Craving

So for a couple of days I had been having this craving to me domestic and bake something. Well, yesterday I called my mom and we tried to figure out what it was that I wanted to bake (since I had gone through all my cookbooks and hadn't found anything I wanted). FINALLY, we decided that making 30 Day Bran Muffins would be a good idea.

Well.... I learned a very valuable lesson yesterday... here it is:

Don't bake something you don't have a bowl big enough for!!

Yes. I am feeling very stupid. About halfway through my baking fiasco I realized that my biggest bowl was definately not going to be big enough. So I attempted to finish in two bowls and kind of combine them. Well eventually I made it work, but there was a giant mess left behind for me when I was finished.

So I have learned my lesson forever! And I thought anyone reading this would appriciate me passing on my amazing knowledge for the future. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The End Is Near

It's official. I only have 2 school days left of this semester! I am so excited! Poor Adam still has a couple weeks, but the end is drawing near for him as well.

Well we found out where we are living for the summer. The apartment complex is called Turtle Creek in Henerson, NV and it looks really nice! The pool is amazing and we are way excited!

We are leaving in less than 3
Crazy! We are still looking for someone to move into our house and we will have to move all of our stuff to a storage unit. I guess if no one moves in, there will be a place for family to stay when they come visit!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

An Answer

So for some crazy reason, I thought my (what I thought was bizarre) hot dog headache connection was over. So... the other night, my loving husband made us hot dogs for dinner. Well, needless to say, I shouldn't eat hot dogs anymore (no matter how much I like them). Another ginormous migraine later, I felt like I should educate myself on where this strange connection comes from.

Alas, there was an answer! As it turns out, processed meats (like hot dogs) are high in sodium nitrate, which is one of the main migraine food triggers. Some people actually refer to their headaches (just like mine) as the hotdog headache! Crazy huh! So anyway, I discovered that I should now cute back on fast food and foods that are made from processed meats (hot dogs, sausage rolls, frozen hamburgers and meatballs are a few examples)

So I just thought I would share my new found knowledge with all of you! I will definetely be smarter about my eating choices from now on!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A New Beginning

So lately everyone seems to have thier own blog and so we wanted to fit in! :) I never feel like we have anything exciting enough to put on our family website so I decided I would create one for our mundane day to day lives.

Life here in Provo hasn't been too exciting lately... we have just been trying to keep up on school and work. I have two weeks left of school and Adam has about three, so we are getting really excited! Most of the end of semester assignments have been handed in and here is little left to do before finals. Thank Goodness!!!

We have just put up our house for rent so that we can get everything taken care of before we move to Las Vegas for the summer. We leave in less than a month! We are very excited for this new adventure in our lives. I still need to find a job out there, but hopefully that won't take me too long.

Well, I guess that is all we havie going on this week (see, I told you we aren't exciting!), but we'll keep posted any life changing events ;)